

      2021421日,据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,应欧盟委员会要求,动物饲料添加剂和产品(FEEDAP)研究小组被要求就牛蒡根提取物(a dried extract from the roots of Arctium lappa L. )作为猫和狗饲料添加剂的安全性发表科学意见。




Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of a dried extract prepared from the roots of Arctium lappa L. (A. lappa dry extract) when used as a sensory additive (flavouring compound) in feed for cats and dogs. A. lappa dry extract is specified to contain at least 2% inulin. Since uncertainty remains concerning the nature of up to 77% of the additive, the FEEDAP Panel was unable to conclude on the safety of the extract at the proposed use levels of up to 40 mg/kg complete feed for cats and dogs. In the absence of data, no conclusions can be drawn on the safety for the user. In the absence of convincing evidence that the extract acts as a flavour in animal feed or has an effect on palatability, the FEEDAP Panel was unable to conclude on the efficacy of the additive.





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